The Portico Gallery, Knights Hall, 23a Knights Hill, West Norwood, London, SE27 OHS
A collection of sixteen wildlife photographs taken by Dulwich resident Paul Collins
11am-6pm Saturday 12th - Sunday 20th May 2012

11. Chipmunk on Flowers, Cottage Country
Ontario, Canada
5th June 2011
On the second day of a trip to Canada with uni friends, we headed up to Ontario's 'Cottage Country', situated on the picturesque Severn River. The place where we were staying was teaming with chipmunks, so I got up bright and early to photograph their antics. After an exhaustive hour of play in the woodshed, this one climbed onto the flowers for a quick refuel. It seemed slightly shy around me at first, so I only took a few photos to let it get used to the sound of the camera. It was a very endearing animal with a lot of character, and the colours and soft background add to the scene's tenderness.